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Groupes Thérapeutiques

Habiletés sociales

Art and skills

Group of children with neuro-developmental disorders

Develop the child's skills within a group in which different supports are offered according to the objectives determined after the child's assessment.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The group is currently made up of a maximum of four children, supervised by two professionals, psychologist and art therapist, in order to comply with health measures.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Parents agree to accompany their child each week for a 45-minute session, allowing for one hour in total, for a period of ten weeks.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

A prior assessment is necessary, through various assessments, in order to best define the work objectives for each child and the strategies that will be put in place.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The same assessment will be offered at the end of the program in order to assess progress.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Parental psychoeducation

Parents group

The parents group aims to re-establish more serene relations between the child and his parents, by helping to understand the child's disorder and reduce the intensity of inappropriate behavior.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The group is generally closed. Parents commit to 10 sessions, bi-monthly, lasting approximately one hour.


Groupes adultes et enfants

Acquérir une meilleure estime de soi, renforcer sa confiance en soi, développer ses capacités d'affirmation sont les objectifs larges de l'art-thérapie. 

Les groupes enfants et adultes sont ouverts à tous, et permettent de travailler à partir d'un domaine des arts plastiques, peinture, modelage, calligraphie, linogravure...


Selon l'âge et le niveau de développement de l'enfant, différents groupes peuvent être proposés, en commençant par les prérequis de la communication, jusqu'au développement d'une communication sociale adaptée.

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